Friday, December 21, 2007

I've temporarily emerged out of the enchanted portal of higher education

If anybody even bothers to check this blog anymore.....

I wouldn't blame you if you quit bothering.

This was my first full time semester as I wrapped up community college, took a crossover class at CSUS and tutored fellow students in physical geography. That's it though, I'm off to California State University Sacramento in January, and I promised I wouldn't tutor for now.

Just a statement of what I plan to do for the next five weeks...

Play my clarinet
Read some more
Knit some more
go to a movie
Read some more
Knit some more
and clean my house.

I am glad for the education that God has allowed me and I look forward to continuing it January 28th, but for now, I am going to enjoy my break.

I might even blog some more.